St. Lawrence County Arts Council Artists’ Studio Tour

TAUNY has invited me to use some of their space as a surrogate studio so that I can participate in the SLC Arts Council Artists’ Studio Tour (’cause, you know, my actual studio has a bed, cats, a dog and children running through it, as well as towering piles of fabric and projects in various states of completion – from “Barely Considered” to “Back Burner” to “Half-Constructed” to “Almost Finished” and various places in between.)

Here is more info about SLC Arts!

Not sure yet what all I’ll be bringing to work on while I’m there, except that I know I shall have some examples of the quilts I have been privileged to complete from vintage unfinished sewing projects…. Maybe some hand-piecing or hand-cutting or, oh, something that requires the use of the large tables they have on premises….  I’ll have to give it a think…

Anyway, my thanks to TAUNY for this wonderful invitation, as well as to the SLC Arts Council for a wonderful annual event, and I look very much forward to spending that afternoon (Saturday, November 9, 2013 from 1-4 pm) curled up in such a lovely space sewing and visiting – honestly, could there be a better way to spend an afternoon?

(Oh, and yes, I SWEAR to post updates very, very soon….)