It seems sometimes that fewer and fewer people these days know how to sew. Most folks are able to handle emergency repairs, but so many people discard items of clothing or home decor simply because they need mending or altering. Discarding something as unusable because it needs fixing is playing into the sort of consumer mentality that has created some of our current global and local problems (in my humble opinion anyway!). Aside from that, it’s an expensive habit at a time when most families are trying to cut spending.
I have had all kinds of people tell me that they never learned to sew properly and wished they had done so. Some want to learn to use a sewing machine so they can hem a pair of pants or a skirt, or run up a pair of curtains. Some want to learn hand embroidery or how to make a quilt. There are so many wonderful online tutorials these days on how to do or make just about anything. However, sometimes, it is so much easier to learn a new skill if someone is right there to show you how, to demonstrate, to answer questions, to explain, to troubleshoot.
Would you like to be able to make repairs and alterations to items currently in your home or wardrobe, or make something new for either? Would you like to make a quilt (or a pillow, or a sampler or some wearable art, etc.) for yourself or for a special gift? Would you like to finish a vintage sewing project? Would you like to learn how to you use your mother’s electric sewing machine or your grandmother’s treadle machine? Learning sewing skills can open all sorts of ways to make things both useful and decorative for yourself from any sort of fabric, as well as how to keep them in good repair.
I teach sewing skills, basic and advanced, to individuals and small groups of all ages. If you or someone you know has an interest in learning hand embroidery, sewing, piecing and applique; or machine sewing, piecing, applique, quilting, binding and finishing, please contact me.