Along with other textiles, older and antique quilts often need conservation work and repair in order to use and display them properly. Most textiles should be displayed out of direct sunlight and away from moisture.
Hand sewing will usually suffice for small repairs. Larger repairs may call for machine sewing. The good thing about most sewing repairs is that anything done can usually be undone, which follows the basic tenet to “do no harm” to the original object. Scissors to cut away old fabrics should only be used as a last resort and only after you have made the decision to actually re-purpose an older textile into something new.
Re-purposing can also include creating displays (quilted or otherwise) of collections of textiles such as baby clothes, wedding items, T-shirts, ties, etc. For further information on this topic, see my information for Custom Orders.
If you would like my opinion or assistance regarding mending, patching, stabilizing or modifying (i.e. adding a hanging sleeve, etc.) an antique, vintage or new textile, please contact me.